Kloud 9 Interview from Delightful Music

Delightful Music Presents

Kloud 9 Interview vol.2

Kloud 9のKendallにインタビュー第2段!今回はアルバムの細かいところまでちょっと突っ込んで聞いて見ました。相変わらず結構めちゃくちゃな英語だったのですが、一つ一つ意味を汲んでくれて丁寧に答えてくれたKendallに本当に感謝です。
Thank you, Kendall!
Question : Kama-D
Answer : Kendall Duffie

Kloud 9 - "Yearning 2 Love" - Japanese Interview vol.2

Q1.Do you consider a song turn carefully in this album?
A1.Yes I choose each song very carefully to make sure this new album would keep our supporters happy.
Q2.How do you think, when you sing?
A2.When I sing I don't really think, I just use my voice the way I know how and deliver the soul that lives in me.
Q3.I heal the soul to hear a heartful melody of "Special One". Your Voice echo my heart. What do you think, when you sing?
("Special One"のハートフルなメロディーと心に響く二人の歌声で心洗われるようでした。この曲を歌うときはに、どんなことを考えましたか?)
I just think of the words I'm singing and make them as heartfelt as I can. What comes from the heart will reach the heart.
Q4.What do you think "Special One" ?
("Special One"って曲についてどう思いますか?)
I love this song, my friend Mitchell Jones from Commissioned helped produce and write this song with me.
(私はこの曲を愛しているんだ、私の友人のCommissionedのMitchell Jonesが私とこの曲を作曲しプロデュースをして助けてくれたんだよ。)
Q5.Do you feel difference to make 2nd album, comepared with 1st album?
With the 2nd album and tried to continue where we left off with "On Kloud 9" and just make more quality soul.
(2ndアルバムでは、私たちは、"ON KLOUD9"を終えた時にそれを続けようとしました、そして、さらなるクオリティーのSOULを作ろうとしています。)
Q6.This CD is featuring many wondaerful artist!!! Who are you the most pleasure to work with? Who do you sing together in feature? Anita Baker?
(Q6.このCDでは本当に数多くのアーティストが参加しています、誰との仕事が楽しかったですか?あと、誰か一緒にやってみたい人はいますか?Anita Bakerかな?)
It's a pleasure working with everyone, I enjoy working with creative people. And as for the future yes I would love to work with Anita Baker. She is one of my favorites!
(どの人とする作業もとても楽しかったですよ。私は、クリエイティブな人たちとの仕事をとても楽しみました。そして、将来私が、一緒に仕事をするなら、もちろんAnita Bakerとの仕事を熱望します。彼女は私のお気に入りの一人ですから。)
Q7.Do you falled love, such as "Crave"?
Well Crave is a song I wrote based on what I was thinking at that time. Most of my songs are just a reflection of things I think about or have experienced, seen or heard about.
Q8.A duet with Tonia Hughes is wonderful in "Happy"! What do you think of her? How did you come to know her?
("Happy"でのTonia Hughesとのデュエットは素晴らしかったです!彼女のことをどう思いますか?またどのように彼女と知り合ったのですか?)
Tonia Huges is a very talented singer, I really love her voice. I met her when I was working for Light records. She was one of the artists on that label. She also has her own website www.toniahughes.com
(Tonia Hugesは、とても才能溢れるシンガーです。私は、本当に彼女の歌声を愛しています。私は彼女に会ったとき私はLight Recordsで働いていました。彼女は、そこのレーベルのアーティストの一人だったのです。彼女のオフィシャルサイトを記載しておきます、いってみてください。 THONIA HUGES Official Website)
Q9."Gimme Gimme Gimme" is very good jazzy music! Nice Sax! Good Jam! This style is the feature of Kloud 9. Do you like this style?
("Gimme Gimme Gimme"はとてもJazzyで素敵な曲です、素敵なサックスとJamですね。このスタイルはKloud9の特徴ですよね。このようなスタイルが好きなんでしょうか?)
Yes the smooth jazz sound is definitely a trademark Kloud 9 sound. This is one of my favorite songs on the new album.
Q10.I'm interested in Lyric of "Gimme Gimme Gimme". It is wrote about your head! Do you be kissed your head? aha. Is your lyric based on your experience?
("Gimme Gimme Gimme"のリリックが面白かったのですが、貴方の頭について書いてますよね?あなたの頭(スキンヘッド)にキスされるんですか?これは実体験にもとづいて?)
Yes I have a blad head and I like to have it kissed :-).
Q11.There are a lot of energetic sound and funky groove represented "A Step Away", and "I Like It", comepared with 1st album. I feel that your sound grow up. How do you feel this a change mood and growth. What are you different of songwrite, before?
("A Step Away"や、"I Like It"など1stアルバムに比べてファンキーなグルーブや、力強いサウンドが多いですよね。サウンド的な成長みたいのを感じたのですが、このサウンド面や、雰囲気の変化をどのように感じていますか?また以前と、作曲での違いなどありますか?)
Yes we added some more upbeat funky songs to the new album. Our record comapny Expansion Records thought it would be good to add some dance tempo songs this time around. And we have definitely matured in our writing and singing and I think you can hear it on the new album.
(確かに、私たちは、この新しいアルバムではアップビートでFUNKYな曲を増やしました。私たちのレコード会社、Expansion Recordsが今回はダンステンポの曲をいくつか加えたほうがよくなるんじゃないかと考えたんです。そして、私たちも、私たちのソングライトや歌の中で確かな成長を感じていたし、それをこの新しいアルバムの中であなた方に聞かせることができると思ったからなんだ。)
Q12. "Can't Be Love" is sweetness and greatful ballad. Why Mitchell Jones of Commisioned participate in album? What do you think of him? How did you come to know him?
("Can't Be Love"は、甘美で素晴らしいバラードなのです!なぜ、CommisionedのMitchell Jonesが参加したのですか?彼はどういう方でどういう関係の人ですか?)
Mitchell Jones is one of my favorite singers of all time! He was a member of the Gospel group Commissioned and I always loved thier music. I met Mitchell years ago from my work in the Gospel music industry as a music executive. He's one of my best friends and we always enjoy working together doing what we both love.. Music!
(Mitchell Jonesは、ず〜と、私のフェイバリットシンガーの一人なんだ!彼は、ゴスペルグループ"Commissioned"のメンバーだったんだけど、私はいつも彼らの音楽を愛聴していたんだよ。亜w足しはすうねん前に、自分が経営するゴスペルミュージックの会社での自分の仕事で合う機会があったんだ。彼は、私のとても仲良い友達の一人だし、私たちはいつも、お互いの音楽を愛していて、一緒に仕事できるのをいつも楽しみにしているんだよ。)
Q13.In "Wanna Show You Love", Suddenly, It change a tempo. Why?

("Wanna Show You Love"では、突然テンポが変化しますよね?なぜですか?)
Just wanted to add some flavor to the album
Q14.Sax, and Tranpet and etc... you use many instrument! It's great and it's good than before. Do you conscious of this then songwirte?
I really enjoy producing and arranging, I played Trombone many years ago so I really love using live horns in my productions.
Q15.How personality Russell White is? His Voice is powerful and smoothy! What do you think of Russell White? How did you come to know him?
(Russell Whiteは、どのような方ですか?とてもパワフルでスムーズな声ですよね。どのようにしりあったのでしょうか?)
Russell White is another singer I met through my work in the Gospel music industry. Russell is amazing!
(Russell Whiteは、私が、ゴスペルの会社での仕事を通して、出会ったもう一人のシンガーです。Russellは本当に素晴らしいよ!)
Q16.How do you feel that you work with Incognito? He is an able person. How do the work is making progress.
Incognito is one of my favorite groups of all time! Bluey and I have developed a great friendship over the years. I met him when I lived in London for a short time. And we also love working together on what we both love. Music!
Q17.How did you come to know Ralph Lofton? He is Softly Moody Voice!What do he talk? sorry I don't perfectly hear...
(Ralph Loftonとはどのようにしりあったのでしょう?彼の声はとてもソフトでムーディーですね。)
Ralph is another person I've met through working in the Gospel music industry. He's an amazing musician and has a great radio voice too! :-)
Q18.Is it "The Kind OF Man I Am" most favorite your style?
("The Kind Of Man I Am"のような曲は好きなスタイルですか?)
This song was a little different but fun to record.
Q19.Kloud 9 show one's true worth "Don't Take It Personal" How personality this Great Sax player and Great Horn Player are?
("Don't Take It Personal"では、素晴らしいものを見せてくれていますが、このSaxとHornのプレイヤーはどんな方々ですか?)
This song is remake of Jermaine Jackson and I thought it would be nice to add Kirk Whalum and Michael Fair to make it real jazzy and smooth.
(この歌は、Jarmaine Jacksonの曲の作り直したものなんだよ、そうして、Kirk WhalumとMichael Fairが加わって、素晴らしい本当のJazzyでSmoothなものをつくり上げてくれたんだ。)
Q20.Do "Just Another Day" song only Russel White ?
("Just Another Day"では、Russel Whiteだけが歌っているのですか?)
Yes, we wanted to give Russell a moment to really showcase his voice all by himself and also give the album a gospel feel with this song.
Q21.I supraise No.16! ow. Did you come to know Copyright? Why you try House Music?
This was the idea of our record company Expansion and we both feel it was as great idea! I love what the did to the song "So Many Reasons"
(これは、レコード会社のExpansionのアイデアなんだよ、私たちはどちらも、それはとても素晴らしい考えだって、感じたんだ。私は"So Many Reasons"って曲がこういう風になっても大好きだよ。)
Q22.Please tell a comment to the person who heard an album.
Thank you and to everyone that has the album THANK YOU! If not, please go out and buy it! :-)

Thank You Kendall! Love!